Tuesday, October 7, 2008

So was this the bottom?

I hope that the market bottoms before I run out of titles for my posts. Any one would be tempted to say that may be it was the bottom. But I will not take the easy route. I think it may be the start of the final wash out phase that's needed to carve out an intermediate bottom, yes it would be just an intermediate bottom.

I am watching S&P 935 and DOW 8500 as the immediate down side targets. I hope the PPT (plunge protection team) doesn't tinker with the market at this stage, that would just delay the pain.

1 comment:

AJ said...

you may have to revise your targets already. we are below your targets in a hurry and there seems no stopping.

As and when it turns, I agree it will be fast and furious and will cause pain.

So keep risks low, be extra nimble and do not leave a position open over the weekend.

Sunday is the new Monday!!

All the best. Keep up the good work.